
17 September 2019 / 博客




南非成为许多 iGaming 公司关注的焦点有很多原因。其中一个原因当然是南非近三分之二的人口年龄在 24 岁及以下,而这正是主要的目标人群。 

这为寻求开店的 iGaming 公司带来了立竿见影的优势。智能手机使用率的增长速度甚至快于互联网连接的采用速度,这有助于该行业获得更好的覆盖面,并向更多的年轻受众提供多样化的手机游戏。 

行业报告显示,非洲和中东的移动游戏增长最快。这两个大洲的游戏需求同比增长了 26.6%。但 iGaming 运营商必须牢记,非洲的智能手机技术应用在一定程度上仍落后于西方国家。因此,运营商和 iGaming 软件开发商需要做好准备,迎接为老式设备量身定制最先进移动游戏的挑战。 


iGaming 运营商和软件提供商将目光转向南非的另一个原因是,南非的经济实力不断增强,而且监管机构有能力控制该行业。非洲试图通过采用全球最佳实践来正面应对 iGaming 管辖权,并将其用于非洲消费者。 



另一个重要因素是不断增长的收入数字。早在 2015 年,普华永道南非经理就在年度博彩业展望报告中指出,预计 2019 年的收入将大幅上升至 300 亿兰特(21.7 亿美元)。随后几年的报告指出,预测数字上升到了更高的 340 亿兰特,这表明博彩业的增长速度超过了预期。但最新一期的《博彩业展望》仍未公开发布,也没有迹象表明是哪些因素导致了博彩业的快速增长。 

2018年11月,Gauteng Gambling Board发布了另一份报告-《最新赌博统计》,其中有一项指标非常突出。注册路线运营商的 LPM(赌博机)数量从 2017 年 4 月的 1394 台上升至 2266 台。如果南非各省都经历了类似的趋势,那么市场上引入的新场地和新机器可能就是为什么对 2019 年的预测在 2017 年多增加了 10 亿兰特的原因。 





客户关系营销 (CRM): 提高收入的差异化因素

05 September 2019 / 博客

客户关系营销 (CRM) 是当今一项重要的商业实践。随着竞争的加剧、客户群和市场的扩大,在线博彩运营商获取更多的客户信息以保持(甚至可能扩大)其市场份额并建立客户终身价值变得越来越重要。博彩业一直倡导客户关系管理–事实上,赌场多年来一直在跟踪客户。但有了CRM,他们可以将客户关系提升到一个全新的水平。 





  • 更好地了解他们的客户行为  
  • 通过定制客户服务来建立更牢固的客户关系 
  • 改进营销和参与工作   
  • 更有效地获取和留住客户  
  • 降低流失率  
  • 更有效的交叉销售 
  • 自动化重复性任务以加强营销工作 
  • 提高营销工作和活动的可测量性 
  • 完善受众细分,实现更集中的目标定位 
  • 改进成本管理 
  • 提高盈利能力。 

娱乐场多年来一直在使用CRM,从社会经济数据库、会员卡以及信用卡与其他文件的交叉匹配等来源中大规模地利用复杂的客户数据。事实上,与其他企业相比,娱乐场和博彩平台的做法并不新鲜,只是更加复杂而已。特别是考虑到技术必须在苛刻的条件下运行。娱乐场和博彩平台全天候运营,没有时间进行数据库更新或备份。在 iGaming 中,客户关系管理的使用是即时的-员工需要尽快获得客户数据–而客户正与他们在线上。 






不过,需要提醒的是,关注现有的可用资源对于成功的重要性远远超过在强大的 CRM 系统上花费的资金。如何利用收集到的信息,从实施CRM系统中获益,才是真正决定投资回报的关键。只要做好相应的计划,CRM系统就不会失败。 


体育博彩: 线上体育博彩的未来    

22 August 2019 / 博客




基于区块链的体育博彩以及 VR 技术等颠覆性技术的引入,只是我们期待在未来几年看到的行业广泛创新中的一小部分。当然,说到这些技术的合作,没有比Betting on Sports更适合讨论最新行业新闻和技术颠覆的地方了。 

该会议将于 9 月 17 日至 20 日在伦敦举行,是体育博彩界的头等盛事,来自世界各地的 3500 多名代表将出席会议,与业内最大博彩公司的高级管理人员洽谈业务和建立联系。 

Digitain 关于Betting on Sports  

今年,Digitain 将参加该展会,展示其最新技术和创新成果,并与朋友和未来的合作伙伴洽谈商机。 

Digitain 提供的一些更出色的产品包括数字 iGaming 平台、体育博彩软件、支付网关、娱乐场聚合器、技能型游戏等。 

数字 iGaming 平台采用最先进的技术开发,提供新颖的方法和更优质的服务。通过支持线上和离线渠道,该平台还可以监控和管理玩家账户,进行全面的行为分析,并跟踪线上收入,从而优化玩家的终身价值。 

Digitain 的体育博彩软件专为满足国际、欧洲、美洲、非洲和亚洲代理运营商的需求而开发。该软件还提供全面的支持和可定制的界面,可通过API与现有平台轻松集成。 

此外,技能型游戏和投注游戏始终是游戏界的主打产品。Digitain 向合作伙伴提供最新的技能型游戏,使品牌能够接触到各种不同的玩家群体。Digitain 的所有 P2P 游戏不仅易于整合,而且还能让用户无障碍地访问更多内容。P2P 游戏双人游戏,由一名玩家创建游戏,另一名玩家加入游戏。 

Digitain 提供以下基于技能的游戏,作为其丰富产品组合的一部分: 贝洛特,双陆棋,多米诺骨牌,21游戏,帕苏尔。在投注游戏方面,Digitain 有:基诺,克拉什和高低。 


在即将到来的十年中,体育博彩企业将面临一系列的变化和挑战,而那些未能适应客户期望的最新创新的企业将落在后面。保持领先至关重要,而没有比Betting on Sports更好的地方了。为运营商、体育博彩开发商和 iGaming 软件提供有关行业趋势和创新的最新见解,是不容错过的活动。因此,请记住这个日期,参加 Digitain 的活动,我们将帮助您在竞争中保持领先地位! 

选择完美娱乐场游戏的 5 个步骤  

02 August 2019 / 博客



在许多采用娱乐场游戏聚合器(Casino Games Aggregator)等广泛解决方案的线上娱乐场中,您可以通过查看娱乐场大厅来了解所提供的全部游戏。即便如此,您也会发现每种游戏都有其独特的优势。选择哪一种仍然是个人喜好的问题。 


#1 您打算玩多长时间? 


#2 您喜欢快速游戏吗? 

不同的娱乐场游戏有不同的节奏。有些游戏,如传统的桌面游戏或纸牌游戏,需要一段时间。但线上赌场提供各种各样的游戏,包括快速游戏,如视频赌博游戏机或经典赌博游戏机。为了加快速度,您还可以选择大多数赌博游戏机游戏的 “自动玩 “选项,并在几轮游戏中投注相同的金额。 


#3 您喜欢一个人玩还是与他人一起玩? 

线上娱乐场非常适合想独自享受自己喜欢的游戏的玩家。有许多自动游戏,玩家不需要与任何人互动,甚至不需要与发牌员互动。当然,也有一些游戏提供加入 “房间 “或 “赌桌”,与真人发牌员和真实玩家一起玩,在舒适的家中享受扑克或黑杰克游戏的乐趣。  

#4 您想下高注还是低注? 

如果您想玩得更久,预算有限,或者您根本不想测试自己的运气,那么低注就是一种很好的策略。喜欢在经典纸牌游戏中下低注的玩家被称为 “低赌客”。除了在纸牌游戏中进行低注,种类繁多的赌博游戏机游戏也使经典赌博游戏机和视频赌博游戏机成为热门选择。每个线上娱乐场都有这种游戏。在一些赌场,甚至可以用低至 1 美分的赌注进行游戏。 

如果您想寻求刺激,想花更多的钱,并想加入 “高额赌客 “俱乐部,黑杰克、扑克、百家乐或蓬托班库和轮盘等经典桌面游戏通常都有允许(额外)高额投注的赌桌。通常,这些都是贵宾赌桌。  

#5 您在寻找智力挑战吗? 





02 August 2019 / 博客








可携带的设备正逐渐成为新的标准。从简单地跟踪生命体征和体育锻炼结果,到接收智能手机通知或拨打电话。现在,它们正慢慢进入支付行业。 智能手表等可携带的设备可以进行非接触式支付,从而增加了一层便利性和安全性。因此,可携带的设备真正改变了玩家和线上博彩提供商的游戏规则。 








01 July 2019 / 博客

尼德兰因其对某些娱乐活动的宽松法律而闻名于世。但说到赌博,特别是线上赌博,直到 2012 年,他们的态度还不是那么自由。有趣的是,尼德兰居民可以线上赌博,但只能在尼德兰境内的网站上进行。另一方面,政府对非荷兰运营商的态度则较为宽松。因此,一些世界上最大、最著名的品牌都在尼德兰市场上运营。 


多年来,尼德兰一直提供多种类型的博彩服务。说到传统的赌博活动,尼德兰是世界上最古老的彩票之一-Staatsloterij-的故乡,该彩票自 1762 年以来一直在运行。尼德兰的博彩业实际上是国家控制的垄断行业,名为 “尼德兰娱乐场”。全国共有 14 家赌场。尼德兰赌场甚至还申请了网上赌博许可证,但遭到拒绝。 

随着线上赌博开始迅速蔓延,尼德兰政府强烈反对在国内允许线上赌博。长期以来,尼德兰政府一直试图阻止本国公民在外国网站上投注。尼德兰政府甚至采取措施,将许多网站列入黑名单,以阻止线上赌博者,甚至坚持银行不应该与这些网站打交道。但银行拒绝了。然而,这些努力都是徒劳的,尼德兰发现要控制互联网几乎是不可能的,因为有超过 450 个网站接受尼德兰公民的投注。 

但体育投注部分略有不同。它由另外两家公司控制 – De Lotto 和 Scientific Games Racing B.V.Scientific Games 负责赛马博彩,而 De Lotto 负责所有其他市场,是唯一合法的线上体育博彩公司。 



多年来,旧法律不断现代化。但是,2019 年初的情况至关重要。在下议院-荷兰国会二院-投票赞成允许第三方合法提供线上赌博两年后,参议院投票赞成将基于互联网的赌博合法化的立法,为外国和尼德兰公司申请许可证开放市场。 

很快,就有 300 多家公司公开表示有兴趣在荷兰经营赌博网站,预计其中至少有 50 家公司将在明年正式申请许可证。 

新立法不仅将允许新玩家进入市场,还将改变目前国营尼德兰赌场和赌博游戏厅业主所缴纳的 29% 的税率。预计税率将降至 20%,以增加经营者之间的竞争。但税率的降低也会带来更好的玩家利益。包括更高的奖金、更诱人的优惠活动和更高的赔率。 

同时,尼德兰市场是欧盟第 17 大iGaming市场,拥有超过 70万活跃线上玩家,总博彩收入(GGR)介于 1.3亿欧元和 2.5亿欧元之间。 




Top 5 Features to Distinguish Trusted iGaming Software Provider

27 June 2019 / 博客

Starting an iGaming company, whether it’s opening a new business or taking your land-based casino online is a serious feat. The good news is that the industry is evolving very fast, which provides operators numerous opportunities for success. As a result, there are more and more operators entering the market, with the hope to leverage iGaming. Making it challenging for companies to survive and grow into respected operators.


Why the Right iGaming Software Provider Matters?

The extremely competitive market and increased player expectations make running an online gaming business challenges. The key to being successful in this ever-changing industry is having a trusted iGaming software provider. A high-quality igaming software provides secure and rigid business growth, and most importantly, boosts ROI.

When choosing your iGaming software provider, you need to make sure you can rely on this trusted partner to go through the stages of leading a successful online gaming business. Meaning, your trusted iGaming software provider should have the following features.


1. Robust and Flexible Platform

The provider should provide a scalable and flexible platform that will be the basis of your operations. It should be able to accommodate all your business needs. The platform will be the core of your iGaming business, and the place where you store all your user data and manage your gaming processes. Whether you go for a white label or turnkey solution, your iGaming platform must contain some basic features.


2.Wide Variety of Quality Games

Even the best developed platform is worthless if it doesn’t offer a large scale of top quality games. The platform should enable you to add comprehensive Sportsbook, Casino, Live Casino, VR Casino, and Skill games to ensure player engagement and enjoyable user experience. The most reliable iGaming software providers offer a wide variety of cutting-edge gaming and betting solutions to meet the varying players’ needs.

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3.Advanced Customer Relationship Management Tools

An iGaming platform should take special steps to attract players and keep them engage. One way to do that is by offering bonuses, jackpots and tournaments with big pool prizes. Most iGaming platforms come equipped with CRM tools that will enable you to better understand players’ needs. Then, offer them what they want, reduce the churn rate, refine player segmentation for targeted market and so on.  


4.Anti-Fraud and Risk Management Tools

Online gaming operators are often the target of cheaters seeking ways to take more than they fair share. Since risky players can cause a huge problem, protecting your gaming business from fraudulent activities is crucial. When choosing an iGaming software provider they offer an AI-powered real-time risk management system. Most modern ML-based risk management tools allow gaming operators to promote responsible gaming, and instantly detect and manage risky players, so they can preventing fraudulent activities before they happen happens.


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5.Multicurrency and Multilingual Support

Providing players with 24/7 support is another extremely important aspect of running an iGaming business. Cos if you fail to provide a correct answer to only one question, you risk losing a customer. But some of the trusted iGaming software providers also provide services such as – top-quality, prompt, helpful, multichannel, and multilingual support. Moreover, you need to make sure your software provider is also enable players to use different payments methods in multiple currencies.



Final Words

There are the top 5 factors you need to consider when choosing an iGaming software provider. The company you partner with needs to be able to provide you full support, comprehensive tools and featured that will help you run a successful iGaming business.

There are many gaming and betting software providers on the market that offer all-in-one, innovative solutions that ensure the growth of your company. And it’s up to you to do your research, and find that one that best fits your needs. Making the right decision and picking the best and most trusted iGaming software provides is how your company can stand out of the competition with a rich offering of quality games, increasing number of returning players and sustainable income. So make it wisely.

Three Genius Punto Banco Tips for Rookies

27 June 2019 / 博客

Punto Banco is a version of the famous card game Baccarat that’s been played in land-based casinos for decades. Originally, it was developed in Argentinian casinos, and introduced to the United States in the 1950s, changing the gambling world forever.

The original game of Baccarat had an aura of class about it, especially because in land-based casinos it’s played in a separate room for high rollers. But despite it’s aura, the game can be intimidating to rookies since the rules are unclear at first. But the truth is, Punto Banco has the simplest set of rules of all casino card games.

Baccarat is still very popular today. In land-based, as well as in many online casinos and mobile gambling apps. In online casinos though, players can usually enjoy the more simplistic version of baccarat, Punto Banco. So if you are looking at Punto Banco, and wish to try it for the first time, we suggest you first read the rules. Once you understand what the game is about, and how to play it, there are high chances for making high returns. To help you out, here are our top three tips for making the most of it. Let’s dive right in.


Understand the Pattern and Remember that There is No Winning or Losing Hand

Punto Banco is a game that can involve up to 12 players. And of course, more players means higher chances to win. But, this may not always be true, unless you master the rules and the patterns. And remember there is no predetermined outcome – there are no winning or losing hands.

Although the house may have the edge, like in every casino game, the idea is to create suspense and eliminate high predictability. But you can have the upper hand by mastering the pattern and observing your opponents’ strategies. Simple observation and analysis should help. After all, it is a game of chance. So make your moves wisely.


Place Bets Strategically

Before making a bet, consider the odds at hand, But more importantly, where you place your bet. You should know that the odds in Punto Banco are usually in favor of the player (Punto) or the banker (Banco). What does this mean? This means you should bet either on the player or on the banker because a tie rarely yields wins. Since your goal is to maximize the chances of winning, you must opt for the winning side.


Choose Games with Lower Vigorish

All casinos take commission. But it varies depending on the casino, and the game you play. So before engaging in game play, do your research and choose the casinos that have smaller commission. The games that have smaller commission usually elevate the chances of making higher wins. Especially when you place the bet on the banker. The goal is to reduce the house advantage and increase your chance of winning.


BONUS TIP: Take Advantage of Online Casino Bonuses

Many online casinos offer bonuses to players. And in the case of Punto Banco, you can use the bonuses to increase your playing experience. This is especially good for rookie players that are just begging to learn the game. It is always smart for beginners to establish the foundation by first learning the key rules and getting an initial grasp of the game.


Playing Punto Banco Online vs at a Land-Based Casino

Playing Punto Banco online versus at land-based casinos is usually a matter of personal preference. Many people enjoy the experience of going to a traditional casino because of the atmosphere present at many casinos, especially prestigious establishments.

But, online casinos offer many things that land-based casinos not’s, like the option of playing from the privacy of your home. And the best online casinos offer a great selection of the most popular casinos games you can find in brick-and-mortar casinos, including Baccarat, or Punto Banco. If you prefer having a human interaction, you can choose to play with a live dear, or you can choose a gable game where you deal the cards yourself.

The numerous features make for different gaming experiences, which make online casinos universally popular. And perhaps the one thing that makes playing Punto Banco in online casinos stand out from playing in traditional casinos are bonuses and reward programs.

Whatever your preference, make sure to read the game rules, understand and memorize them before starting a game. Remember our tips, and once you get the hold of the game, try some of the more advanced betting strategies!

Gambling-Etiquette-9-Tips-that-Every -Gambler-Should-Know
9 Tips on Gambling Etiquette Every Gambler Should Know

25 June 2019 / 博客

Online gaming and gambling are on a constant rise. The internet made online casino gambling available to anyone. Which was very positive to many players how now can enjoy their favorite games without having to make an expensive trip to the casino.

But just like traditional, brick-and-mortar casinos, the online casinos have their dos and don’ts. And before you enter one, it’s important to understand the etiquette, and prevent yourself form looking foolish or worse, like a total amateur. Read on and learn how to behave in an online casino. We’ll have you looking like a pro before your first log in.

1. Know the Law of the Land

Since you can play online from any place in the world, before you log in to your favorite casino, check to see if online gambling is legal in the country, state, province or region where you are residing at the moment. Consult our legality page.  So you won’t end up losing more than just your hand at poker.


2. Play to Win but Expect to Lose

“House always wins” is something we hear all the time, and there’s a reason for that. Gambling online affords players the luxury to take their time to master the games and learn their strategies. Use this to your advantage. Take time to master the games and play to win. But no matter what lucky charm you have on or how smart and strategic your moves are, expect to lose sometimes. Expecting to win all the time will only lead to frustration and no one needs that.


3. Play According to the Best Rules

Almost all online casinos offer the same games. But they may have different variations and not have the same rules. Make Google your friend and search for the rules which suit your preferences. Study the rules or print them out for future reference. That way, you set yourself for success.  


4. Learn to Assess and Trust the Odds

Most casino games are games of chance, that’s true. But some or not. Mathematical statistics are proven, and all casino games are designed on percentages and probabilities for a reason. Don’t rely on luck alone cos there’s more to it. Constant winners aren’t only “lucky” – they have a better understanding of the odds. Learn to calculate the odds – don’t hate them!


5. Always have a Timely Play

Yes, it is expected to take a moment to consider your next move. However, you should make your next move in a timely manner. If you need to do something away from your computers or smartphone, it might be better to use the “sit out next hand” button. The other players will be thankful you did that.


6. Don’t Bet More than You Can Afford

Gambling is meant to be fun. Winning some money plays a big role here, but to win, you must bet first. And the party mood goes away quickly when you spend your rent or grocery money away. Create a gaming budget and stick to a limit that you can realistically afford.


7. Don’t Bet on “Setting Systems”

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Stick to the rules and use proven mathematical strategies to plan your next move. Don’t rely on someone’s unsolicited advice or betting system they made out cos it is a surefire way to fill somebody else’s pockets.


8. Be Polite to All Players

Even though there are casino games where you play against a computer, keep in mind that online casinos are a real community, and most of the time you are playing against real people. Be cultured and polite, even if your playing style is aggressive.


9. Don’t Do or Permit any “Flaming”

One of the worst things you can do is take out your anger or frustration on other players. Or allow and instigate someone else to act angrily. Instead, calm down, and take sit the next hand out. If angry and insulting comments are directed to you, try to respond calmly and avoid getting into a ‘fight’.

Remember that even though you are playing online, it’s still an establishment where you are expected to follow certain rules and behave. Use our short guide to online gambling etiquette to learn the basic dos and don’ts, so you won’t end up being the annoying player that no one wants to play against.

Mobile gambling in Latin America. How has the industry changed in 3 years?

14 June 2019 / 博客

When online gambling software developers consider the next markets, Latin America is rarely their first choice. That’s no surprise since the top countries by game revenue are China, the U.S., and Japan. Truth is, Latin America finished 2018 with 19% growth year-over-year on mobile platforms. And the predictions say that by 2021 there will be over 235 million smartphone users. Latin America is going through a rapid advancement and quickly catching up to global market leaders.


Let’s look at the Numbers

Latin America is comprised of 26 countries. Collectively, it is twice as big as Europe, and has almost the same number of people. And if all countries are consolidated, like the European Union, it would be the fourth largest. Yet it is still off the radar for most online gambling software developers.


Usually, this is due to the fact that there are income disparities and low bank account ownership. These facts, combined with the recent regional economic decline are making doing business difficult. But there’s still good reason for gambling software developers and operators to consider taking their businesses to Latin America. As it seems it will be the next big mobile gambling market.


For one, industry research shows that the LatAm mobile gaming and gambling market will be worth over $2 billion this year, making it over three times larger than Southeast Asia. Additionally, the growth rates are similar for both regions. The growth is expected to continue, even though only something over 150 million of approximately 630 million people have smartphones. The majority of whom reside in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Peru.


You need to Invest to Get a Return

In the past several years, Latina America has grown into a potentially huge market, which already accounts for 4 percent of the world’s total game revenue. But research shows that online gambling software developers do not consider this market important and spend less than one percent of their annual ad budget in Latin America.


The key to online gambling growth in Latin America lies in considering it as a region instead of a collection of countries. Mexico has 130 million people and is one of 20 countries that speak Spanish. On the other hand, there’s Brazil, with over 200 million people speaking Portuguese. This fact alone makes it very easy to segment potential players in this region based on language. Meaning Latin America has little of the linguistic complexity of Europe or Asia. Operators’ teams can partner with a local expert in the region and still manage global acquisition campaigns.


Another thing to keep in mind is that you need to appeal to the new generation of gamblers, the ones that prefer online gambling – e.g. millennials (the generation born between 1985 and 2000) who value personalised, innovative online experiences. This is one reason why games themed around a variety of niches are so popular online, providing choice for any type of gamer, regardless of how varied their interests.


Millennials also want to be able to choose between multiple touchpoints. Providing an omni-channel experience that enables playing on desktop and mobile devices is crucial. People in Latin America favour mobile gaming and gambling, the same as in the Western world. It’s just another area online gambling operators should consider when expanding to this market.

Last Words

Even though gambling restrictions remain in place across the world, governments are beginning to see the benefits of a legal but regulated gambling industry. But until online gambling operators see appreciable change in legislation in the U.S and Europe, they are on the lookout for new opportunities. So it’s no wonder Latin America’s one of their new targets.

With the population of the continent standing at over 600 million, there’s a huge audience out there. And people have a strong appetite for gambling. What’s more, travel and tourism are booming in the region – at a rate of 5.1% per year between 2010 and 2020 – which adds the potential for gambling tourism. While it remains to be seen which online gambling operators and software providers will come out on top, there’s no doubt that large organizations with experience working internationally have a clear advantage.
