Digitain晋升阿尼·姆克尔奇扬(Ani Mkrtchyan)为首席销售官

06 December 2023 / 其他

Digitain晋升阿尼·姆克尔奇扬(Ani Mkrtchyan)为首席销售官,从而加强了其销售主管团队。 


Digitain集团创始人瓦尔德斯·瓦尔达尼扬(Vardges Vardanyan)先生对此次晋升发表了评论:“Digitain致力于投资员工并培养人才。在加入Digitain大家庭和进入多个市场的近六年时间里,阿尼表现出了对细节的关注、洞察力和领导力,将我们的合作伙伴和客户放在我们一切工作的核心位置。我们很高兴阿尼能加入我们的领导团队,因为我们将继续扩大,成为监管市场中B2C合作伙伴运营商的主要平台提供商之一。” 

Digitain首席销售官阿尼·姆克尔奇扬(Ani Mkrtchyan)说道:“我非常感谢瓦尔达尼扬 (Vardanyan)先生对Digitain坚定不移的愿景,以及对我们员工的指导和训练。在为当今的多辖区运营商设计复杂的销售解决方案时,我们将合作伙伴和员工放在首位,并努力使我们自己和我们的合作伙伴在实现目标的过程中达到最佳状态。我期待着在未来的岁月里组建和打造一支改变游戏规则的团队。”


23 November 2023 / 新伙伴


Digitain创始人瓦尔德斯·瓦尔达尼扬 (Vardges Vardanyan) 就该协议发表了评论:“葡萄牙是一个不断发展的规范市场,我们很高兴能与LeBull管理层合作。我们在为葡萄牙市场带来新的玩家体验方面有着共同的愿景。


LeBull葡萄牙负责人蒂亚戈·佩雷拉(Tiago Pereira)说: “从第一天起,Digitain就是我们的指南针,帮助LeBull.pt在葡萄牙这样一个高度管制的市场中,穿越提供体育博彩服务的迷宫。他们提供一流的服务和高质量的支持。



20 November 2023 / 奖项

Digitain se complace en anunciar que ha ganado el premio SiGMA Europe al mejor Proveedor de Sportsbook en Vivo del Año, celebrado en Malta.  

El evento SiGMA Europe, una de las mayores cumbres B2B de iGaming, contó con la asistencia de más de 25.000 asistentes y tuvo lugar en La Valeta.

Iain Hutchison, Director de Ingresos de Digitain, comentó: “Como equipo, estamos comprometidos con el ‘arte de la excelencia’ en todo lo que hacemos para nuestros socios. Todos nuestros compañeros, más de 3.000 profesionales, contribuyen al éxito de nuestras soluciones de sportsbook en múltiples mercados internacionales y regulados.

No podríamos hacerlo sin ellos y sin nuestros socios operadores, por lo que estamos encantados de añadir este premio SiGMA Europe a nuestra colección. En nombre del equipo Digitain les agradecemos a todos”.


17 November 2023 / 奖项

Digitain在Starlet奖上获得了年度体育博彩供应商奖。Starlet奖每年由五星级 iGaming媒体举办,该媒体是iGaming行业新闻、分析和B2B奖项的领先资源。

Digitain首席收入官伊恩·赫奇森(Iain Hutchison)表示:“五星级iGaming 媒体是一种iGaming资源,因其独立的新闻报道在行业内备受尊重。我们很高兴评委和小组成员授予我们年度体育博彩供应商这份殊荣。



15 November 2023 / 新伙伴


Digitain创始人瓦尔德斯·瓦尔达尼扬(Vardges Vardanyan)先生对此次合作发表了评论:“我很高兴我们整个团队能与Winner在规范的罗马尼亚市场合作。作为一个品牌,Winner 在过去十年的运营中取得了持续增长,并不断为玩家推动技术和产品创新。因此,我们期待着通过Digitain屡获殊荣的体育博彩产品,为Winner的下一阶段发展历程提供支持。”

“产品领先是我们的目标,我很高兴能与Digitain合作。我们现在正朝着我们确定的未来战略方向加速前进,那就是以独特的功能和本地内容提供最佳的客户和产品体验。我期待着与Digitain合作,继续创新我们的体育博彩产品,为我们的玩家创造价值。” ——Winner首席执行官尼克拉斯·扎伊德尔(Nicklas Zajdel)表示。

Newton(Winner.ro的平台提供商)创始人德拉戈斯·布里乌(Dragos Buriu)说:“多年来,随着Digitain在B2B iGaming供应链中不断扩展其业务解决方案,我们对该公司钦佩不已。在为当今的全渠道运营商提供复杂的解决方案时,该公司将客户和员工放在首位。未来几个月,我们期待着与Digitain的团队合作,并进一步加快在罗马尼亚市场的发展。”

Focus Gaming News: Interview Digitain’s Regional Sales Team Manager, Hmayak Arakelyan

31 October 2023 / 访谈

Hmayak Arakelyan, Digitain: “SiGMA Europe provides further opportunities to discuss the up-and-coming road map”.

What are the company’s goals for SiGMA Europe? What are your expectations in terms of meeting with clients and potential deals?

Digitain always looks forward to SiGMA Europe. Our goal is to meet with existing partners as it provides further opportunities to discuss the up-and-coming road map, development pipeline, and planning for 2024.

The SiGMA Europe event itself also presents the potential to meet existing operators looking to upgrade their platforms or new companies coming to market. We have actually had our available pre-meetings fully booked out and added more of our sales team to attend this event. Generally, deals come after the events, but yes, we shall have some exciting announcements over the next few months.

“The SiGMA Europe event itself also presents the potential to meet existing operators looking to upgrade their platforms or new companies coming to market.”

Can we expect Digitain to introduce any new innovative content at the show?

We shall be showcasing our award-winning GLI-certified sportsbook and igaming platform solutions.

As a business that is focused on user retention and innovative methods of customer acquisition, we have developed an AI-powered personalised event recommendation engine (for both Pre-match and live events) based on player behaviour, which forecasts and gives recommendations for pre-formed groups of users, for events they might be interested in. This is a compelling feature within the sportsbook to drive engagement, upsell, GGR and retention.

Other sportsbook features include our exclusive Multi-Level Jackpot Sports Jackpot with up to 4 Levels of Fully Customisable Configuration; this has proven successful in increasing bets placed and GGR by double-digit numbers.

One of our exciting exclusive features is AutoBet. It is a sports feature, which will ensure that the bettors will not miss the moment of placing a bet with their preferred odds. Using the feature, the players can be provided with an opportunity to define their preferred odds range for their bet and if the odds fall into the specified range, it will be automatically placed by the system. This is a powerful feature in the tool kit for retention and increasing bets placed / GGR.

These are just some of the features that will be demonstrated at the show, and a host of others, so do visit our stand 1137.

As an established sportsbook and igaming platform solutions provider with over 150 international partners, how do you manage to keep innovating?

Our company now has over 3,000+ very talented employees. The business invests in its people, and that allows the company to consider new technologies and how it can provide solutions to partner challenges.

Digitain has over 20 years of B2B experience not just in technology delivery but operationally on the B2C side, and this provides a solid and rounded perspective of how the market dynamics work. This expertise helps us look at innovation, large and small, to help our partners grow their businesses.

“Digitain has over 20 years of B2B experience not just in technology delivery but operationally on the B2C side.”

What are the challenges of the industry regarding the laws and regulations of the markets in which you want to work?

Regulation is in progress, and Digitain fully supports multi-jurisdictional licensing and certifications.

Our compliance and regulatory team constantly review the requirements of each licensing territory and/or changes to existing frameworks and possible impact scenarios related to the technology or operations.

It is essential that all suppliers in the ecosystem engage regulators and fully understand the narrative of the regulators. That collaboration is becoming more effective as jurisdictions mature or modernize their regulations.

“Regulation is in progress, and Digitain fully supports multi-jurisdictional licensing and certifications.”

Digitain has recently announced some executive appointments by naming Martin Martirosyan as deputy CEO, Margarita Cruz as senior sales director, and promoting Grigor Asoyan to the group deputy CEO of technology role. What can you tell us about these appointments?

As I mentioned, our company is growing. We now have 3,000+ employees and recently opened offices in Bucharest, Romania, and London, England.

Our senior sales director Margarita Cruz leads our office in London as our enquiry pipeline is growing across continental Europe and that presence allows us to service those enquiries.

The appointments of our colleagues Martin and Grigor are again due to our continued growth throughout 2023 and our expansion plans for 2024. It is an exhilarating time to be part of Digitain as it continues to grow internationally.

Source: Focus Gaming News


27 September 2023 / 奖项


此次活动在美丽的巴塞罗那举行。该活动是9月20日至21日在巴塞罗那菲拉展览中心(Fira de Barcelona)举行的SBC峰会的一部分,巴塞罗那菲拉展览中心是全球最大的iGaming B2B 峰会之一。 

Digitain公司首席营收官Iain Hutchison表示了: “Digitain首席营收官Iain Hutchison表示:”我们很高兴能够获得SBC颁发的这一殊荣,SBC是iGaming行业活动和展览的领导者之一。颁奖会有900多名来自iGaming B2B和B2C行业的人士参加,我们的品牌大使Luis Figo也出席了晚会,与我们的团队一起领奖。

Digitain完全致力于在受监管的市场中提供最高标准的体育博彩技术和服务。因此,所有Digitain团队都很荣幸能获得SBC行业评委会的认可并获得此奖项 年度体育图书供应商奖。”


13 September 2023 / 奖项



Digitain 首席收入官 Iain Hutchison 评论说了:”Digitain继续向我们的全球合作伙伴展示最高标准的技术和服务,提供受监管的体育博彩解决方案。我们致力于确保所有客户都拥有最佳的技术堆栈,以满足他们当前、未来和未来的业务需求。因此, Digitain团队能够得到业界的认可并获得SiGMA巴尔干/独联体奖项,我们深感荣幸”。

路易斯-菲戈(Luis Figo): 重新签约成为品牌大使

11 September 2023 / 其他

9 月 4 日,Digitain 欢迎了足球界的传奇人物路易斯-菲戈(Luis Figo)来到 Digitain 总部,以扩大和加强他与本公司公司的合作。 

我们非常高兴地宣布,菲戈将连续第二年继续担任 Digitain 备受尊敬的品牌大使,这将进一步彰显公司在全球监管的 iGaming 行业中追求卓越和创新的坚定承诺。

路易斯-菲戈(Luis Figo)与 Digitain 的合作始于 2022 年 7 月,双方的价值观不谋而合。菲戈在足球界的传奇地位和他作为体育偶像的声誉,与 Digitain 致力于为我们 150 多家全球合作伙伴提供尖端游戏技术和卓越用户体验的理念完美契合。

作为品牌大使,路易斯-菲戈(Luis Figo)将继续在今年和 2024 年的各种行业博览会上发挥重要作用,宣传 Digitain,提高品牌知名度。

路易斯-菲戈(Luis Figo)在表达他对扩展合作关系的热情时说了:”我很高兴能与 Digitain 继续合作,这家公司与我一样对追求卓越有着坚定不移的热情。在过去的一年里,我见证了他们对创新的承诺和推动 iGaming 行业发展的动力。我热切期待着新一年的合作,为 Digitain 的全球成功贡献力量。Digitain已经成为我的第二个家,我很荣幸能成为这个卓越团队的一员。”

Digitain 的创始人 Vardges Vardanyan 说了:”邀请路易斯-菲戈担任我们的品牌大使是一次不可思议的旅程。他对卓越、专业和价值观的执着追求与 Digitain 的精神完美契合。我们很高兴能继续保持这种合作关系,在全球舞台上进一步提升我们的品牌。

在我们建立非凡合作伙伴关系的第二年,Digitain 将在去年成功的基础上再接再厉。公司将继续坚定不移地致力于提供最先进的游戏解决方案、迷人的用户体验和创新技术,不断为我们目前的所有合作伙伴树立新的行业标准。

Digitain的区域销售团队经理Hamest Safaryan荣获WiG多元化奖

11 September 2023 / 奖项

Digitain很高兴与大家分享,本公司的长期团队成员之一、区域销售团队经理 Hamest Safaryan在 2023年WiG多元化和员工福利奖颁发的”年度供应商员工奖“中获得殊荣。2022年早些时候,Hamest Safaryan还获得了同一 WiG多元化和员工福利奖”年度成就奖”的提名。


Hamest Safaryan评论说了: “能够代表Digitain以及我们对多元化和员工福利的持续承诺,我深感荣幸。作为一个团队和企业,我们在整个组织中继续保持领先地位,并获得了这一殊荣。我非常欣赏WiG多元化奖的重要性,它不仅是对游戏行业女性的赞赏,还将许多努力工作、雄心勃勃的女性聚集在一起。”
