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iGaming Archives - Digitain
Novedades y actualizaciones de productos en 2022

20 January 2023 / Novedades y actualizaciones de productos en 2022

2022 ha sido un año apasionante para Digitain, que sigue desarrollando y mejorando sus productos para satisfacer los nuevos retos y necesidades del sector del iGaming. Ahora que arrancamos 2023, nos complace anunciar una serie de nuevas funciones y actualizaciones en toda nuestra línea de productos.

Plataforma de iGaming

Empezamos con nuestra plataforma de iGaming, a la cual hemos añadido una serie de nuevas funciones para mejorar la experiencia del jugador y facilitar aún más a los operadores la gestión de su negocio. Estas son algunas de ellas:

  • Promociones mejoradas: Mantenga a sus jugadores informados y conectados con las últimas noticias y promociones.
  • Corrección de saldo por lotes: Ajuste los saldos de varios jugadores a la vez con esta práctica función.
  • Solicitud de llamada: Permita a sus jugadores solicitar una llamada del servicio de Atención al Cliente directamente desde la plataforma.
  • Configuración de dominio: Configure y gestione fácilmente varios dominios para su plataforma.
  • Sistema de etiquetas: Organice y clasifique a sus jugadores con un sistema de etiquetas personalizable.
  • Gestión de lobby: Gestione y personalice el lobby de su plataforma.
  • Bonos deportivos por lotes: Aplique bonos a varios jugadores a la vez.
  • Devolución de efectivo automatizada: Establezca devoluciones automáticas para sus jugadores.
  • Campaña de bonos: Diseñe y gestione campañas de bonos para su plataforma.
  • Segmentos de juego dinámicos: Cree segmentos de juego dinámicos en función del comportamiento de sus jugadores y otros criterios.
  • Notificaciones automáticas: Envíe notificaciones automáticas a sus jugadores para mantenerlos informados y conectados.


A lo largo de 2022, hemos trabajado duramente para ofrecerle una serie de funciones nuevas y mejoradas que ayuden a los operadores a atraer y retener a los jugadores. Desde una experiencia de usuario mejorada hasta las más novedosas opciones de apuesta, nuestras actualizaciones están diseñadas para ofrecerle la mejor experiencia de apuestas deportivas posible. Sabemos lo importante que resulta ir por delante de la competencia en un mundo tan cambiante como el de las apuestas deportivas, y nuestras actualizaciones son un reflejo de nuestro compromiso con esa misión.

  • Bonos de devolución de efectivo para apuestas deportivas: Ofrezca bonos de devolución de efectivo a sus jugadores en determinados deportes.
  • Jackpot deportivo: Un jackpot deportivo único que le ayudará a fidelizar a sus jugadores.
  • Torneos deportivos: Organice y gestione torneos para determinados deportes.
  • Pago anticipado con una ventaja de 2 goles: Ofrezca a sus jugadores la opción de cobrar de forma anticipada si su equipo va ganando por 2 goles.
  • Motor de recomendaciones deportivas basado en inteligencia artificial: Ofrezca mejores juegos a sus jugadores en función de sus hábitos.
  • Torneo de carreras de apuestas: Cree y gestione carreras de apuestas para su sportsbook.

El año pasado, no solo desarrollamos nuevas funciones para nuestro sportsbook, sino que también introdujimos mejoras en las ofertas que ya teníamos. Estas actualizaciones se han implementado con el objetivo de ofrecer a nuestros clientes una experiencia aún más completa y sencilla. Trabajamos constantemente para mejorar y ampliar la oferta de nuestro sportsbook, y agradecemos su continuo apoyo.

Su solución integral de iGaming

Deportes virtuales

Nuestra oferta de deportes virtuales también se ha ampliado con la incorporación de nuevos y emocionantes juegos.

Atraiga y retenga a sus jugadores con nuestras nuevas incorporaciones:

En línea

  • Carreras de galgos
  • Liga Inglesa
  • Copa Africana
  • Copa del Mundo
  • Copa de Europa
  • Liga de Campeones
  • Copa Libertadores
  • Keno


  • Carreras de galgos
  • Liga Inglesa
  • Copa del Mundo
  • Copa Africana
  • Copa de Europa
  • Keno

En Digitain, siempre trabajamos para mejorar nuestros productos y nos emociona ver cómo estas nuevas funciones beneficiarán a nuestros clientes. Seguiremos atentos a sus comentarios para incorporar las mejoras necesarias. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estas actualizaciones o desea saber más sobre nuestros productos, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.


Centrivo, la plataforma integral de iGaming de Digitain, se puso en marcha durante el 2022 y rápidamente se consolidó como una de las mejores soluciones del sector del iGaming. La plataforma está diseñada para servir como núcleo centralizado para los operadores, proporciona todos los componentes y contenidos necesarios para lanzar y gestionar fácilmente sus negocios de iGaming.

La plataforma ofrece una amplia gama de características y funcionalidades, como herramientas de gestión de riesgos, gestión de marcas, análisis y seguimiento de datos, personalización de la interfaz del cliente, gestión del perfil del jugador y categorización.

Una de las principales ventajas de Centrivo es su facilidad de uso. La plataforma es muy intuitiva y fácil de usar, lo que facilita a los operadores la navegación y el aprovechamiento de sus funciones.

Centrivo también incluye soporte multilingüe y multidivisa, un completo conjunto de informes y automatización centrada en el jugador, lo que permite a los operadores configurar su marca en cuestión de minutos. La plataforma es muy flexible y personalizable, lo que permite a los operadores adaptarla a sus necesidades y requisitos concretos.

Esta flexibilidad, unida a su tecnología robusta y fiable, ha convertido a Centrivo en una solución líder en el sector del iGaming.

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[:en]9 Tips on Gambling Etiquette Every Gambler Should Know[:]

25 June 2019 / Novedades y actualizaciones de productos en 2022


Online gaming and gambling are on a constant rise. The internet made online casino gambling available to anyone. Which was very positive to many players how now can enjoy their favorite games without having to make an expensive trip to the casino.

But just like traditional, brick-and-mortar casinos, the online casinos have their dos and don’ts. And before you enter one, it’s important to understand the etiquette, and prevent yourself form looking foolish or worse, like a total amateur. Read on and learn how to behave in an online casino. We’ll have you looking like a pro before your first log in.

1. Know the Law of the Land

Since you can play online from any place in the world, before you log in to your favorite casino, check to see if online gambling is legal in the country, state, province or region where you are residing at the moment. Consult our legality page.  So you won’t end up losing more than just your hand at poker.


2. Play to Win but Expect to Lose

“House always wins” is something we hear all the time, and there’s a reason for that. Gambling online affords players the luxury to take their time to master the games and learn their strategies. Use this to your advantage. Take time to master the games and play to win. But no matter what lucky charm you have on or how smart and strategic your moves are, expect to lose sometimes. Expecting to win all the time will only lead to frustration and no one needs that.


3. Play According to the Best Rules

Almost all online casinos offer the same games. But they may have different variations and not have the same rules. Make Google your friend and search for the rules which suit your preferences. Study the rules or print them out for future reference. That way, you set yourself for success.  


4. Learn to Assess and Trust the Odds

Most casino games are games of chance, that’s true. But some or not. Mathematical statistics are proven, and all casino games are designed on percentages and probabilities for a reason. Don’t rely on luck alone cos there’s more to it. Constant winners aren’t only “lucky” – they have a better understanding of the odds. Learn to calculate the odds – don’t hate them!


5. Always have a Timely Play

Yes, it is expected to take a moment to consider your next move. However, you should make your next move in a timely manner. If you need to do something away from your computers or smartphone, it might be better to use the “sit out next hand” button. The other players will be thankful you did that.


6. Don’t Bet More than You Can Afford

Gambling is meant to be fun. Winning some money plays a big role here, but to win, you must bet first. And the party mood goes away quickly when you spend your rent or grocery money away. Create a gaming budget and stick to a limit that you can realistically afford.


7. Don’t Bet on “Setting Systems”

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Stick to the rules and use proven mathematical strategies to plan your next move. Don’t rely on someone’s unsolicited advice or betting system they made out cos it is a surefire way to fill somebody else’s pockets.


8. Be Polite to All Players

Even though there are casino games where you play against a computer, keep in mind that online casinos are a real community, and most of the time you are playing against real people. Be cultured and polite, even if your playing style is aggressive.


9. Don’t Do or Permit any “Flaming”

One of the worst things you can do is take out your anger or frustration on other players. Or allow and instigate someone else to act angrily. Instead, calm down, and take sit the next hand out. If angry and insulting comments are directed to you, try to respond calmly and avoid getting into a ‘fight’.

Remember that even though you are playing online, it’s still an establishment where you are expected to follow certain rules and behave. Use our short guide to online gambling etiquette to learn the basic dos and don’ts, so you won’t end up being the annoying player that no one wants to play against.


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Online Gaming Web Design Trends for 2019

19 February 2019 / Novedades y actualizaciones de productos en 2022

The main goal of web design is to captivate the visitors’ attention. Well-designed websites provide a free-flowing user interface and intuitive navigation which guide visitors through the site easily and efficiently and help them find what they want plus what they need. The same goes for gaming web sites, plus there is the additional challenge of designing a website that can provide a suitable gaming layout that works seamlessly across multiple devices and at the same time has a solid technological background to supports future scaling and upgrade.

Web Design Trends that are Shaping Online Gaming

If you analyze website and video games designed ten years ago, you can find noticeable differences in the visual and technical design and capabilities. That is the result of constant technological advancements. As a consequence, the gaming industry creates numerous upgrades to their online games and websites that reflect the latest and greatest trends. Gameplay, in-game interactions, characters, score and result charts become faster, more accurate and vivid, providing players with a lifelike experience.  But just like before, designers focus on creating a pleasurable gaming experience through a good user interface and design methods. At the same time, they are trying to choose the trends that will help them design distinctively unique websites that come out of the crowd effortlessly.

Let’s take a look at the best web design trends that are shaping online gaming in 2019.

Responsive design and thumb-friendly navigation

Statistics show that more than 50% of revenue involving online gaming comes from mobile devices. That is why it is of paramount importance for online casinos and gaming sites to embrace this trend more rigidly than other markets. Easy-to-use interfaces, exceptionally simple and thumb-friendly navigation (including drop-down menus and clickable icons) are key components of the ensemble. Additionally, responsive design should take into consideration all devices and screen sizes and ensure a seamless cross-platform experience.

Minimalistic clean design for faster loading times

Another trend that online gaming websites need to pay attention to this year is the minimalistic design that has outstanding logical structure optimized for the best possible (mobile) gaming experience. Clean look, clear explanation of the registration process and an overview of the gameplay are very important. Additionally, explainer videos and animations and promotional offers should be valuable and actionable, strategically placed above the fold, and optimized for fast page load times.

360 videos and VR/AR for an improved gaming experience

AR/VR have already entered the gaming world, enabling web and game designers to provide players with new unique immersive gaming experience where players are put in a more entertaining environment and can interact with and engage in the gameplay. But these technologies are not only influencing the way games are designed, but also play a big role in web design. Using these technologies will surely give players a reason to visit, discover and stay on your website.

Heightened security for customer safety

Since the beginning, online gaming software and online casino websites have required considerably deep and high-quality website encryption. The best way to ensure high levels of data security is applying 128-bit or even 256-bit encryption and safeguarding customers’ personal details and financial transactions. Customers feel better and are more likely to play using your website when they know they are safe, so when designing your website, make sure to include a label that shows off your encryption type.

AI and Chat Bots for

Online gaming websites and casinos have visitors 24/7. So their customer support should also be working non-stop. AI and chatbots are a great way to ensure players always get the necessary help and assistance and give them a greater level of assurance and trust in online gaming and casino brands, which is crucial given the amount spent by players on a daily basis. We saw this trend last year, but now we can notice that 24/7 customer support features are becoming a core part of almost any website.

Implement What Suits You Most

Implementing the latest trends should be about improving your website in terms of UX and UI, safety, speed, and functionality. Depending on your website and business needs you should apply only the trends that are key to ensuring online success and can enhance your website visitors’ (gaming) experience, not all of them.

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