01 August 2022 / Блог

Одна из самых важных вещей, которые вам понадобятся при открытии или расширении вашей iGaming компании — надежный поставщик программного обеспечения спортсбук. Когда дело доходит до онлайн-ставок, программное обеспечение для спортсбук – основа для ваших операций.

Если вы ищете поставщика ПО для спортсбук, следует учитывать несколько факторов. В статье перечислены двадцать важнейших советов как правильно выбрать поставщика спортсбук.

1. Репутация компании

Репутация компании имеет решающее значение и позволяет избежать работы с ненадёжным поставщиком. Как долго компания работает? Довольны ли клиенты? Солидная репутация поможет вам ответить на эти вопросы и даже больше! Для оценки поставщиков ПО для спортсбук можно использовать Google и другие поисковые системы. Также будет полезно изучить отзывы пользователей и экспертов.

2. Лицензирование

Нужно убедиться, что у поставщика ПО есть государственная лицензия на легальную продажу вам своего продукта. Компания не сможет долго работать в отрасли без лицензии.

3. Многофункциональность

Нет смысла тратить время и усилия, если поставщик предлагает только базовые услуги. Обязательно ознакомитесь с предложенными функциями перед покупкой.

4. Опыт и достижения

Желательно убедиться, что поставщик ПО в курсе последних разработок в области спортсбук. Кроме того, поставщики ПО для ставок на спорт должны быть способны с легкостью подтвердить свою квалификацию и достижения.

5. Разнообразие рынков

Высококлассные спортсбук будут предлагать разнообразные рынки. Должно быть доступно множество вторичных рынков помимо очевидных выигрышных вариантов. Ищите поставщика ПО спортсбук, который предлагает разнообразные рынки.

6. Уникальное предложение

Большинство поставщиков предлагает идентичные функции и услуги. Но постарайтесь найти поставщика, который может предоставить вам уникальный пакет ПО для спортсбук с расширенным функционалом и незаурядным пользовательским интерфейсом.

7. Безопасность

Убедитесь, что ПО вашего поставщика надёжно, и никто не может взломать вашу систему или украсть личные данные. Это важно, если вы принимаете платежи по кредитным картам, так как украденные данные кредитных карт могут использовать для кражи денег со счетов клиентов.

8. Разнообразие видов спорта

ПО компетентного поставщика спортсбук включает в себя множество видов спорта, доступных для ставок: футбол, американский футбол, бейсбол и баскетбол, а также такие популярные виды спорта, как хоккей, крикет, снукер и гольф.

9. Масштабируемость

Масштабируемость – ключевой фактор, когда дело касается программного обеспечения. Например, ваш сайт должен быть без каких-либо проблем доступен огромному количеству игроков. Может ли ПО для спортсбук обрабатывать огромное количество транзакций в секунду (TPS)? В случае возникновения каких-либо проблем с масштабируемостью вы рискуете потерять клиентов и доходы.

10. Персонализированный интерфейс

Поставщикам спортсбук следует избегать использования того же дизайна шаблонов, что и на других веб-сайтах, ради привлечения клиентов. Хороший спортсбук привлекает новых игроков и удерживает действующих, если у нее есть специально разработанный, персонализированный сайт, который поможет вам выглядеть оригинально. Поэтому ищите поставщика, который может предложить кастомизацию интерфейса.

11. Региональные особенности

Ищите поставщика с платформой, которая соответствует вашим территориальным предпочтениям.

Территориальная зависимость

Нужно убедиться, что вы используете территориально-зависимое программное обеспечение, если вы хотите иметь успешную спортсбук. Невозможно расширить базу игроков за пределы одной конкретной страны, если сайт могут видеть только игроки в пределах этой страны. В качестве альтернативы, если ваша платформа доступна на международном рынке, у вас будет возможность привлекать игроков со всего мира, тем самым повышая свой потенциал по увеличению прибыли вашего спортсбук со временем.


Термин “локализация” означает процесс обеспечения доступности вашего сайта на различных языках и валютах. Локализация важна, поскольку она позволяет охватить более широкую аудиторию и быстрее расширить компанию. Если вы ищете универсальное решение для ПО спортсбук, ищите компанию, которая включает локализацию в спектр своих услуг.

12. Маркетинговые инструменты

С достойным ПО для спортсбук вы сможете рассылать предложения по электронной почте, управлять своими учетными записями в социальных сетях, а также встраивать их в свой сайт. Трафик вашего сайта и клиентская база будут расти в результате использования этих инструментов.

13. Интеграция

Убедитесь, что в ваше ПО для спортсбук интегрированы другие платформы, такие как WordPress или Shopify, чтобы при необходимости вносить коррективы, не обладая техническими знаниями.

14. Панель администратора / Бэк-офис

Панель администратора или бэк-офис вашего ПО для спортсбук служит сердцем системы. Все ваши варианты ставок, учетные записи игроков и многое другое можно настроить здесь. Поэтому убедитесь, что ваши панель администратора или бэк-офис просты в навигации и использовании.

15. Удобство для мобильных устройств и кросс-платформенная совместимость

Оптимизированные для мобильных устройств спортсбук становятся все более важными по мере непрерывного развития цифровой эпохи. Выбирайте поставщика спортсбук, у которого будет решение, оптимизированное для мобильных устройств.

Тем не менее важно, чтобы ПО работало на всех платформах и устройствах. Игра на планшете не должна отличаться от игры на компьютере дома. Дизайн спортсбук должен быть отзывчивым и адаптивным для всех устройств, чтобы не разочаровать как игроков с настольными компьютерами, так и игроков с мобильными устройствами.

16. Управление рисками

Стратегия управления рисками спортсбук имеет решающее значение. Если спортсбук должным образом не управляет своими рисками, то это может привести к долгосрочным проблемам. Ищите надёжный спортсбук, котораый может гарантировать спокойствие своим игрокам и имеет высокую степень управления рисками. Грамотное шифрование, авторизация и защита паролем – это лишь некоторые из требований.

17. Управление коэффициентами

При выборе поставщика ПО для спортсбук в первую очередь следует обратить внимание на управление коэффициентами. Активность происходит в системе управления коэффициентами, и именно там генерируется прибыль. Ознакомьтесь с этими функциями, чтобы убедиться, что вы получаете достойные коэффициенты и что ваши игроки получают выплаты вовремя:

низкая маржа выигрышных ставок,
высокая прибыль от инвестиций (ROI),
выплаты обрабатываются автоматически.

18. Способы оплаты

Выплаты должны быть быстрыми и безопасными, если вы используете первоклассное ПО для спортсбук. Игроки будут пользоваться спортсбук, если он принимает к оплате кредитные карты и электронные кошельки. Принимая во внимание, что правила iGaming варьируются от страны к стране, поставщик ПО для спортсбук должен сотрудничать с организациями, которые могут осуществлять транзакции в различных локациях. Все транзакции, связанные со средствами игроков, должны быть простыми и удобными для пользователей. Крайне важно, чтобы ПО для спортсбук позволяло игрокам выводить свои деньги как можно проще после размещения ставки, поскольку это повышает их веру в ваш сайт.

19. Акции и бонусы

Надежное ПО для спортсбук должно вознаграждать новых игроков, постоянных игроков и долгосрочных клиентов бонусами. Учитывая большое разнообразие ставок и промо-акций, ПО для спортсбук также должно предоставлять множество вариантов прямых трансляций, чтобы вы могли смотреть свои любимые виды спорта и делать на них ставки!

20. Служба поддержки клиентов

Программное обеспечение для спортсбук, которое вы выбираете, должно иметь круглосуточную службу поддержки клиентов, которая может обрабатывать запросы ваших игроков и решать проблемы по мере их возникновения, чтобы игроки не теряли энтузиазма и не были недовольны. В противном случае, поставщик спортсбук должен быть в состоянии предоставить вам все необходимые инструменты для создания собственной первоклассной службы поддержки клиентов. Игроки будут больше доверять вашей платформе, если будут знать, что могут обратиться к вам за помощью и что вы быстро отреагируете, если возникнут проблемы. Это поможет вам построить доверительные отношения с вашими клиентами.

А теперь представляем вашему вниманию спортсбук Digitain.

Поставщик программного обеспечения для спортсбук с 20-летним опытом Digitain известен своим огромным опытом, отличной репутацией, а также лучшими в своей области готовыми решениями (Turnkey) и API-решениями. Ориентируясь в первую очередь на регулируемый европейский рынок, компания стремится расширить свое географическое присутствие в Северной и Южной Америке и Азии. Компания предоставляет своим клиентам универсальный сервис, в котором работают более 700 лучших трейдеров игровой индустрии (часть более крупного коллектива, насчитывающего более 1700 сотрудников).

Отмеченный наградами многоканальный спортсбук Digitain, оптимизированный для мобильных устройств, оснащен всеми необходимыми компонентами, гарантирующими долгосрочный успех и прибыльность. Это многоканальное программное обеспечение, сертифицированное GLI, охватывает 100 видов спорта, 15 000 лиг, и предлагает более 3000 рынков ставок. ПО также предлагает коэффициенты на 90 000 прямых трансляций каждый месяц.

Наш спортсбук содержит механизм рекомендаций продуктов на базе искусственного интеллекта, акцию по досрочной выплате в 2 гола, ленту коэффициентов, собственный джекпот в букмекерских конторах, собственный модуль оценки и статистики в реальном времени, отслеживание матчей в реальном времени и обновленный билет ставок. Спортсбук Digitain, предлагаемый как готовое решение или API-решение, доступен на настольных компьютерах, мобильных устройствах и в браузерах. Он поставляется с полным розничным решением для местных операторов, POS-терминалов, USSD- и SMS-ставок.

Чтобы узнать больше о Digitain и фирменном спортсбук, пройдите по этой ссылке или свяжитесь с нами здесь.

Читать далее

27 December 2020 / Блог


Вы планируете начать свой букмекерский бизнес с нуля и не знаете на 100% как это сделать? Выбор эффективного программного обеспечения для ставок на спорт — важная часть головоломки.   

К счастью, индустрия спортивных игр быстро развивается, предоставляя широкие возможности для достижения успеха в этом секторе. Однако на чрезвычайно конкурентном рынке становится все труднее и труднее выбрать лучшего поставщика программного обеспечения, способного оправдать все ваши ожидания. В любом случае, есть несколько ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать при выборе спортсбука.     

Создайте уникальный продукт: кастомные функции и индивидуальный интерфейс

Успех бизнеса беттинг операторов часто зависит от правильно выбранного и аккуратно интегрированного спортсбука. Особое значение имеет наличие индивидуально разработанной платформы, привлекающей игроков разного возраста и с разными интересами. Таким образом, разумнее выбирать проверенных провайдеров, которые предлагают программное обеспечение для ставок на спорт с функциональным и простым в использовании интерфейсом, многоплатформенными опциями и мобильной версией.     

Сегодня многие операторы стремятся развивать индивидуальность. Лучшие поставщики программного обеспечения учитывают это основное требование и, наряду с решениями на основе шаблонов, также предлагают индивидуальные продукты для ставок, которые будут соответствовать мотивациям и целям текущих и потенциальных партнеров. Для поставщиков важно предоставлять сверхгибкие и удобные программные продукты для ставок на спорт с адаптивным, выделяющимся дизайном, совместимым со всеми передовыми платформами и устройствами.     

В идеале провайдеры программного обеспечения для ставок на спорт должны соответствовать самым изощренным требованиям уже существующих платформ, стартапов, операторов онлайн казино и ритейл операторов.    

Одна из причин, по которой Спортсбук от Digitain так популярен, заключается в том, что он настраиваемый и адаптивный для всех каналов. Наш Спортсбук может быть интегрирован на все платформы и может быть доступен для настольных компьютеров, мобильных устройств, а также для собственных приложений Android и iOS. Мы также можем предоставить программное обеспечение для ставок на спорт для ритейл операторов в различных модификациях, в зависимости от специфик рынка и требований локализации.     

Мобильная версия — скорость и функциональность

Мобильная революция последних лет изменила поведение и ожидания потребителей в различных сферах, и индустрия онлайн ставок не является исключением. Влияние различных планшетов и смартфонов на рынок iGaming изменило не только требования конечных пользователей, но и заставило провайдеров и операторов развиваться, чтобы соответствовать ожиданиям игроков по всему миру.  

Поэтому поставщикам программного обеспечения для ставок на спорт важно охватывать не только традиционные платформы, но и обслуживать игроков, использующих мобильные устройства. Большинство пользователей предпочитают функциональные мобильные приложения веб-интерфейсу, считая их более удобными с точки зрения скорости, функциональности и дизайна. Даже если у вас есть гибкая веб-платформа, поддерживающая различные размеры экрана, вам не обойтись без привлекательных и функциональных мобильных приложений.     

В Digitain мы принимаем вызовы современного мира и превращаем их в возможности. Наше программное обеспечение для ставок на спорт предлагает как мобильную веб-версию, так и нативные мобильные приложения для iOS и Android. Будучи индивидуально разработанными для каждой операционной системы, приложения обеспечивают высокий уровень операционной эффективности на устройствах. Специфика каждой платформы была подробно изучена в процессе разработки. Поддерживая весь спектр функций спортсбука от Digitain, ее мобильные приложения также оснащены специальными функциями, которые обеспечивают более высокий уровень вовлеченности пользователей.   

Геозависимость и локализация

В Digitain мы принимаем вызовы современного мира и превращаем их в возможности. Наше программное обеспечение для ставок на спорт предлагает как мобильную веб-версию, так и нативные мобильные приложения для iOS и Android. Будучи индивидуально разработанными для каждой операционной системы, приложения обеспечивают высокий уровень операционной эффективности на устройствах. Специфика каждой платформы была подробно изучена в процессе разработки. Поддерживая весь спектр функций спортсбука от Digitain, мобильные приложения также оснащены специальными функциями, которые обеспечивают более высокий уровень вовлеченности пользователей.    

Спортсбук от Digitain очень гибок с точки зрения локализации. Речь идет не только о языковых вариантах, но и о локализованном контенте, макетах, функциях и функциональностях, разработанных для конкретных рынков. Таким образом, мы можем предложить определенный вид или макет для азиатского или африканского рынка или стандартное решение для операторов в Европе или Латинской Америке.     

Управление рисками и мошенничеством

Еще одним важным элементом успешного букмекерского бизнеса является продуманная стратегия управления рисками. Наряду с лучшим опытом игрока, оператор должен уметь управлять рисками.  

Индустрия ставок в основном определяется новыми технологиями, продуктами и поведением игроков. Управление рисками должно постоянно развиваться, чтобы помочь компаниям оставаться конкурентоспособными на рынке. В частности, эффективное управление рисками и мошенничеством дает возможность анализировать игроков и их поведение и действовать соответствующим образом, чтобы избежать потерь и увеличить прибыль. Лучшие поставщики программного обеспечения для ставок на спорт — это те, у которых есть хорошие инструменты управления рисками игроков.   

У нас в Digitain более 700 трейдеров и риск-менеджеров. Все наши рынки ставок и совпадений рассчитываются, компилируются и контролируются нашей торговой командой, что обеспечивает надежное управление рисками и стабильную маржу для спортсбуков наших партнеров.  

Разнообразие методов оплаты

В настоящее время, когда практически все вокруг оцифровано, каждый букмекер должен помнить, что хороший спортсбук предлагает игрокам использовать различные способы оплаты, где бы они ни находились. Некоторые могут предпочесть оплату через банковские карты, электронные кошельки или банковские переводы, в то время как другие могут пожелать оплатить криптовалютой, например, Bitcoin.     

Работая с выдающимися провайдерами платежных решений, Digitain предлагает своим партнерам более 130 вариантов оплаты для приема депозитов, переводов и снятия средств с помощью единого кошелька. Более того, наши партнеры оснащены новейшими простыми в использовании технологиями, предназначенными для реализации безопасных онлайн транзакций.   

B2B поддержка и специализированное обслуживание клиентов

Можно с уверенностью сказать, что в настоящее время ожидается, что спортсбуки станут силой, которая переместит все обслуживание ставок на разные платформы и каналы. В дополнение к надежному спортсбуку, который делает ставки возможными и приятными, для букмекерского бизнеса также важно получить надежную поддержку B2B от поставщика программного обеспечения. Операторы ставок на спорт могут получать различные вопросы от своих пользователей, и если они могут дать точный и незамедлительный ответ на каждый вопрос, они будут считаться более надежными.

Надежный поставщик программного обеспечения для ставок на спорт — это тот, который доступен 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю, говорит на языке своих партнеров и готов мгновенно предоставить полную, качественную и многоканальную поддержку.     

В Digitain мы понимаем, что все партнеры имеют уникальные бизнес-модели и требования. Мы ценим их время и верность. Поэтому каждый из наших партнеров оснащен высококачественной многоязычной поддержкой в режиме реального времени.      

Постоянное совершенствование — ключ к успеху

Даже идеально разработанные программные решения нуждаются в постоянных улучшениях. Это то, что мы называем ключом к успеху. Стремление к совершенству – это движущая сила, однако, достижение совершенства – это не конечный результат, а процесс.     

В Digitain мы периодически проверяем эффективность функций Спортсбука, получаем информацию из данных, анализируем их и, соответственно, изменяем, обновляем или даже полностью модифицируем функции. Мы следуем нашему плану по улучшению Спортсбука, уделяя особое внимание всем мерам, которые необходимо принять для безопасности и стабильности продукта.   

Мы постоянно следим за тенденциями и обновлениями в отрасли. Информация, которую мы получаем от наших партнеров и конкурентов, наш собственный опыт и исследования, а также расширение на различных рынках вдохновляют нас делать больше. Мы убеждены, что для Спортсбука мира еще многое предстоит сделать, и это непрерывный, бесконечный процесс.

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Sports Betting: Spotlight on Malta

18 November 2019 / Блог

If you are into the online gambling industry, you probably have already noticed one interesting fact — many casinos and sportsbooks are licensed in Malta. Why’s that?

Malta has been offering offshore licenses for gambling platforms for some time now. The Malta Gaming Authority is one of the most popular governing bodies that regulate online gambling sites, as it is a trustworthy and independent body that makes sure you’re not playing games or betting on a scam platform.

However, what many don’t know is that Malta is also home to several beautiful casinos and sports betting venues that attract thousands of tourists.

So, what’s the current state of affairs with sports betting, and how does it affect the country of Malta, its economy, its citizens, and more?

Is Sports Betting Legal in Malta?

Here’s the shortest possible answer for you — yes. Malta was a pioneer country to recognize online gambling as a legit form of gambling, and one of the first jurisdictions of the iGaming framework. This also included sportsbooks.

Needless to say, the citizens of Malta were immediately able to enjoy a great offer of both sports betting services and online casinos. However, making everything legal on the web paved the way for the regulators in Malta to come up with their “offshore” regulator concept that was one of the first of its kind. In other words, no other country in Europe was able to sort out the whole “online gambling thing” approximately two decades ago, but Malta wasn’t waiting around and offered a great solution.

The licensing procedure began with a piece of legislation called Public Lotto Ordinance. However, not long after that, the Lotteries and Other Games Act prevailed and made all possible types of gambling legal. Mind you, this was the year of 2001, so Malta was very quick to act.

A couple of years after that, in 2004, the country updated the regulations with a legislative piece simply called Remote Gaming Regulations. It recognizes four types of licenses that operators can apply, and what we are most interested in is the Class 2 license which is connected to sports betting.

From Malta with Love

The Republic of Malta is an island country located in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a rather small country, so it alone cannot really make a market big enough to support the gambling industry.

However, Malta is now a part of the European Union, meaning its market is substantially larger. In other words, Malta positioned itself as the gambling capital of the EU, not only because it is a sort of tax haven and offers offshore licenses, but also because it has managed to build a rich tradition in gambling.

Would it be an overstatement to say that Malta can be considered Las Vegas of Europe? Probably yes, as the number of entertainment options is far more extensive in Sin City. The common denominator between these two gambling centers is that they are both exceptional at what they do — provide a safe and legitimate place for people to have fun and gamble.

Make no mistake — the country’s rich history and unique culture have been one of the main reasons why people love visiting it. However, its officials decided that they can raise tax revenue by even more if they offer visitors various types of entertainment, including land-based casinos and sportsbooks.

What Does the Future Look Like for Sports Betting in Malta?

Sports betting, just like casino gaming, has become an integral part of Malta’s identity, and its popularity will rise exponentially in the following years. The residents and visitors of Malta can enjoy betting on various sports (and non-sports) activities around the globe in online or land-based sportsbooks. The industry has been thriving, thanks to those officials who were quick to regulate the online market and position country as a pivotal player in the online gambling industry.

Therefore, Malta is a great place for both operators seeking to regulate their sportsbooks and punters who are looking for sports betting options. It’s one of those places that is open to gambling of all kinds. Perhaps that’s why it is doing so well.

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Keeping Sportsbook Ahead of Other Products

08 November 2019 / Блог

Sportsbooks are definitely more popular than ever, especially ever since online variants of their services successfully transitioned to the web. Why’s that?

Sports betting has always been there side by side with sports. Ancient Romans allowed betting on gladiator fights, and even civilizations before Rome left some traces of their knowledge and luck by placing bets on various activities.

However, it’s online sportsbooks that revolutionised this activity, and Digitain’s sportsbook software is at the forefront of this revolution.

The Online Revolution

Nowadays, the sports betting industry is thriving worldwide, and people are more eager than ever to place bets on their favourite sports. There are two reasons for that.

First of all, there is a huge number of sports and an increase in the data available to sportsbooks. Take basketball, for example — you can make over/under bets on individual players, make handicap bets (spread bets), guess the final score, and much more. All of that is possible because of the data that can be “harvested.”

The other reason is simply that sportsbooks are one click away. Therefore, we only need to connect to the internet and we will be able to enter the exciting world of sports, games, odds, and much more.

But there’s one thing that you need to keep in mind — the internet is vast and full of platforms that are not worth your time or money. If a sportsbook is not properly catering to users’ needs, you need to avoid it.

One of the reasons why Digitain is so popular is that its major product is flawless sportsbook software.

Digitain Sportsbook Software Is the Answer

As you may know, in order to run properly, every online sportsbook or platform that offers sports betting services needs proper underlying software that will make betting possible.

However, simply making sports betting available is not enough. The underlying code is a complex product that needs to make every visitor happy by feeding them with proper information regarding sports, odds, and more.

At the moment, Digitain offers one such product that uses API technology and offers cutting-edge performances. It’s perfect for the people who want a full sports betting experience, providing various sports data, stats, odds, live betting, and more.

The Digitain Software Does All the Math

Sportsbook software nowadays is expected to be the force that drives the entire betting service on various platforms, and that’s exactly what Digitain’s product does.

First of all, by using this product, operators who want to incorporate a sportsbook will gain instant access to more than 35,000 real-life monthly events, as well as more than 40,000 pre-match monthly events.

There are dozens of different sports out there, and Digitain is committed to covering them all, offering more than 65 sports already, as well as 3,000+ betting markets.

Apart from the standard offer of sports betting options, Digitain’s product is available in several languages and supports several currencies as well. On top of that, it offers great risk-management tools and native mobile apps.

How to Connect to Digitain Sportsbook Software?

Digitain’s sportsbook software is based on two APIs — iFrame API and Bespoke API. The former allows you to quickly create a navigation interface and rebrand it to suit your platform, without actually including additional front-end developers. In other words, this API saves you both time and money if you are a business looking to incorporate sportsbook software into your offer.

On the other hand, the latter API, called Bespoke, is crucial for sportsbook integration to your system. However, what makes it special is that it is built in such a way to leave room for additional modules to be attached.

This means that if your platform needs to increase product revenue, you can attach modules for online casinos, live dealer casinos, and virtual sports.

Simply put, sportsbook software made by Digitain offers one comprehensive and high-quality product that is highly customizable, yet user and beginner-friendly. By connecting it to your business, you will be able to enter this multi-billion dollar industry and offer state-of-the-art betting services to online users.

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Betting on Sports: The Future of Online Sports Betting

22 August 2019 / Блог

As more and more countries change their legislation in favour of online sports betting, sportsbooks are beginning to lose their traditional advantage of tapping unexploited markets.

Unsurprisingly, the need to seek a technological edge over the competition to gain advantage is now more important than ever. As technological advancements and their industry-wide adoption grows faster, companies that leverage those innovations have it all to gain.

Technology Drives Sports Betting Further

The introduction of disruptors such as blockchain-based sports betting, as well as VR technology are just a small part of the extensive innovations we are expecting to see in the industry over the coming years. Of course, when it comes to collaborating on these technologies, there’s no better place than Betting on Sports to talk about the latest industry news and tech disruption.

Taking place on 17-20th September in London, it’s a headline event in the sports betting world, with more than 3500 delegates from around the world coming to participate, do business and network with senior executives from the industry’s largest betting and gaming companies.

Digitain on Betting on Sports

This year, Digitain is set to participate, displaying its latest in tech and innovation, as well as discussing business opportunities with its friends and future partners.

Some of the more outstanding products in Digitain’s offer include the Digital iGaming Platform, Sportsbook software, payment gateway, casino aggregator, skill-based games, and much more.

The Digital iGaming Platform is developed using cutting-edge technologies to provide a novel approach and boosted services. It also enables monitoring and management of players’ accounts, a thorough behavior analysis, and tracking online revenue for lifetime player value optimization, by supporting online and offline channels.

Digitain’s sportsbook software is developed to cater for the needs of international, European, American, African and Asian agent-based operators. It also provides comprehensive support, and a customizable interface that can be easily integrated with an existing platform through the API.

Alongside, skill-based games and bet on games are always a staple fixture in the gaming community. Digitain offers their partners access to the latest skill-based games which enable brands to reach a wide variety of player demographics. All of Digitain’s P2P games are not only easily integrated, but they also provide a hassle-free frictionless accessibility to more content. P2P games two-player games that start with one player creating the game and the second one joins.

As part of its extensive portfolio, Digitain offers the following skill based games: Belote, Backgammon, Dominoes, Game 21, Pasur. And for bet on games, Digitain has: Keno, Crash, and Hi Lo.

Create the Future

The upcoming decade will see sports betting businesses face a raft of changes and challenges, and those that fail to adapt to the latest in innovation that their customers expect will fall behind. Staying ahead of the game is crucial, and there’s no better place to do it than Betting on Sports. Providing operators, sportsbook developers and iGaming software with the latest insight into industry trends and innovation is one not to be missed. So, mark the date, join Digitain there and we’ll help you stay ahead of the competition!

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Tale of US: 2019 Sports Betting Predictions

12 June 2019 / Блог

There have been some major, if not historic developments regarding gambling in the United States in 2018. New Jersey’s eight years of litigation have finally led to success with the highest court in the land, as That victory has led to the Supreme Court invalidating PASPA, and in turn allowing states to take control over sports betting authorization.


Due to this major change in legislature, seven states have already legalised sports betting; and while only a small fraction of US states have done so the potential for the US to become a world leader in sports betting is already becoming clear. However, this growth depends on how willing state and federal legal bodies are to embrace polices that would allow the industry to develop and compete for market share with offshore competitors.


Sports betting predictions for the US for 2019

But how will this shift reflect on what happens in the future? Will all of the US legalise sports betting? Probably not – but, regardless, with a nation of 350 million, there will certainly be some exciting developments! So, let’s explore some of the top predictions for the US in the year ahead.


Prediction 1: More states will authorise sports betting legislation

We predict that around 30 states will follow in the steps of New Jersey and introduce legislation, or at the very least consider the idea of legalising sports betting. Following on from that, there’s a big chance that a third of the country’s states will actually pass a bill though the legislature and attain the governor’s signature. As a result, we believe this will lead to a total of 16 or more states that have legal sports betting by the end of 2019.


Big states such as California, Texas or Florida will likely still need at least a couple more years to get on the same page. New York on the other hand, seems to be very anxious to get sports betting as soon as possible given they tremendous amount of potential revenue being lost to their neighboring state of New Jersey. Additionally, it wouldn’t be a surprising if a bunch of New England or Midwestern states rush to authorize sports betting for fear of having their neighbors ‘stealing’ the profits. This adoption is also likely to be exponential; the more states pass a bill, the greater the odds of other states in the region springing into action.


Predictions 2: The lottery-based model of sports betting will prove unsuccessful

Most US states have state-run lotteries, but states will soon find out that a state agency cannot do the activities a sports betting operator needs to be successful on its own and succeed. Sports bettors are sophisticated customers with very specific needs, who won’t settle for a poor and inadequate offering.


We predict that states who believe a generic sports betting product will win them market share will be in for a bad surprise.  A plain offering that lacks innovation, convenience and competitive pricing will only push players to the offshore operators since no two sports betting customers are alike. Moreover, states that try to monopolize sports betting are risking getting seriously hit and earning very low revenues.


Prediction 3: Congress won’t address the wire act nor implement federal sports betting legislation

While PASPA’s repeal has made sports betting possible, it hasn’t provided an environment to enable companies that want to operate in multiple states. The Wire Act still prohibits interstate sports betting activities, which means that sportsbooks that operate in New Jersey can’t offer their products to people in Texas until Congress directly addresses the issue.


While Sen. Orrin Hatch from Utah has circulated a proposed amendment to the legislation, it didn’t address the Wire Act in a meaningful way for sports betting operators – and unsurprisingly, it was received with disappointment. Nevertheless, it is the state legislatures, not the federal government that holds the future of sports betting in the US in their hands. Whether this means that the Federal Government will take a step back and try to limit online sports betting and gaming, we can only wait and see.


Prediction 4: sports leagues new and struggling, will heavily invest in sports betting 

Leagues such as bowling definitely need to find a way to boost popularity and relevance if they want to bolster their relevance. A great example is NASCAR. A well-established league that can benefit greatly from sports betting, we can only Imagine the traction that they will receive if they offer fans the opportunity to bet again with every lap.


When it comes to the football leagues, XFL and AAR, are already familiar with the importance of sports betting as part of their marketing strategy. In fact, they are already using enhanced betting strategies in attempt to win over new fans. A simpler approach, offering betting options only on major European and US leagues may be the best for newly established operators. But we expect that sportsbooks will start taking bets on even more exotic offerings during 2019.


Prediction 5: New Jersey to keep growing, but Nevada to keep place as revenue-leader

The growth in New Jersey is remarkable and with no stop in sight. The impressive results are almost entirely a result of their booming mobile betting marketplace, which now accounts for over 70% of the total sports betting market in the state. Industry watchers are getting curious and starting to question whether New Jersey can become a serious rival to Nevada. At the moment, New Jersey’s monthly handle still hasn’t reached even half the volume Nevada holds, keeping it far behind, but the question is, for how much longer?


Predictions currently stand at New Jersey reaching 60% of Nevada’s sports betting volume. But, if New York and Pennsylvania pass legislation, it will be interesting to see how it will affect and limit New Jersey’s success and growth. Of course, Nevada doesn’t have such worries since California and Arizona are nowhere near legalising sports betting.


Prediction 6: Mobile betting continues to fominate

The convenience of mobile sports betting makes it the preferred method of wagering for most bettors, and we expect the reign of mobile increase even if physical sportsbook handles reaches a plateau. While convenience is important, mobile has more options for in-play betting that make it more attractive.


In more mature European markets, in-play betting includes over half of all total bets. And as New Jersey operators grow and they become more sophisticated, we expect this mobile trend to continue. There’s no limit to how much mobile betting can grow in New Jersey and we believe this success will encourage other states to authorize mobile sports betting.


Prediction 7: Mobile-only sports betting will boost even states with no casinos will pass a bill

OK, well, sports betting is not a casino game. And even before Vegas, there were neighborhood bookies in most major cities in the US. The only thing different now is the way people do it. Technology has advanced and now it allows people to bet while watching. And mobile makes it even easier for bettors to place bets wherever and whenever it feels comfortable.


At the moment, few of the states that have casinos or racetracks have authorized sports betting, but this is totally irrelevant for creating a successful sports betting market. Mobile sportsbooks make it possible for operators to offer their products and services without the need for a physical facility, and states are becoming aware of this. In fact, Virginia and Tennessee, two states that do not have any gaming facilities, will be exploring mobile sports betting legislation in 2019. So don’t be surprised if both of these states authorize mobile sports betting, and by doing so, prove that mobile betting is a feasible and profitable as a stand-alone product.


The future of sports betting in the US

From these predictions, it is safe to conclude that online sports betting is promising to become the next big thing in the US. With more states becoming aware of the benefits of legalising sports betting and enabling mobile betting, we expect to see the Wire Act drop, more states to jump on the wagon, and of course, some interesting ‘fights’ over market share.

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Sports Betting: The Rise of African Gaming

04 April 2019 / Блог

Africans are crazy about sports. Football has the most fans. Followed by cricket and rugby. But sports events are not only a key source of entertainment for Africans. They are also an opportunity to win money by placing sports bets. Interestingly enough, almost 40% of the African population is below the poverty line, yet Africa is emerging as one of the most lucrative sports betting markets in the world. As a result, we can see many (smart) Africans making a lot of money by betting on sports and online sportsbooks. Sportsbooks are very popular because they accept numerous payment methods: banking methods – cards such as Visa and Mastercard, PaySafeCard, Neteller, PayPal and mobile wallet based solutions.


Growing the Local Economy

Sports betting in Africa is extremely popular. Recent studies show that over 60 million residents of Nigeria aged 18-40 are actively betting, and spending an average of $15 per day. Similarly, the South African government statistics show that over 50 percent of adults in the country place sports bets regularly. And it’s pretty much the same in the rest of the continent as well.


European and US sports betting operators have realized the potential of the African market and seized the opportunity to expand. Additionally, sports betting companies are greatly supported by local advocates who say that this expansion is good for the economic growth of several African countries because it provides job opportunities for many young Africans and generates tax revenue for the government. At the same time, it enables bettors to make some money.


Rise of Sports Betting in Africa

There are many reasons why sports betting is so popular among Africans. From their love of the sport to the high unemployment rate and lenient sports betting laws. Everyone has a reason to enjoy the leisure-time activity, bettors and sports betting operators alike.


Great Love for Sports

Yes, we said this before but we can’t stress enough how much Africans love sports. Football is the most popular sport, for playing and betting. European football leagues in general and the Spanish, English, Italian, and French leagues, in particular, have African fans in the millions. Other sports like cricket, rugby, tennis, horseracing, basketball, boxing, and car and motorcycle races also have a substantial following and attract a large number of bets. Africans are especially enthusiastic about placing bets on match outcomes such as the number of goals, players that score the most, etc. This inexplicable sports craze is what makes sports betting the most lucrative and fastest growing in the world.


Lenient Sports Betting Laws

It is very attractive and very easy for European and US sports betting companies to expand into Africa because of the lenient sports betting laws in almost all African countries. In fact, South Africa is the only country that has proper regulations. In the rest of the African countries, gambling laws are new and the industry is not yet regulated. All the while certain countries with Muslim-majority have enforced a blanket ban on every form of gambling including sports betting.


Rise of Mobile Gaming

The rise of mobile devices in Africa is making sports betting available to even more people. Now, more and more Africans enjoy sports betting on the move. In fact, the African sports betting operators are using this mobile trend by partnering with top mobile phone operators to link mobile money services such as M-Pesa, Orange Money, and Airtel Money with their sports betting products. As a result, Africans are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets for sports betting, slowly making Africa the first mobile continent for sports betting.


High Unemployment Rates

Africa has a staggering unemployment rate – more than 200 million people aged 15-24 do not have jobs. In fact, several countries have a 25% unemployment rate. At the same time, the population of the continent is expected to double by 2050, and the continent to have the world’s largest youth population. The main reason why many associations support the expansion of European and US sports betting operators and sportsbooks in Africa are the job opportunities they would create, thus lowering unemployment.



The African continent is huge, and rules and regulations for sports betting are still a fresh subject. The 54 countries have different laws that allow or completely ban gaming and gambling so whether you are an eager player or sports betting operator looking to expand, do your proper research on the regulative and the other sportsbooks out there.


There are many factors that influence the landscape. Reputability, licensing, fair play, privacy policies, and customer care among others. But one thing is certain – sports’ betting is on a constant rise in Africa, with mobile betting dominating the market. If you are an operator considering Africa your next target, now the best moment to take your place on the ‘Mecca’ for online gaming.

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How to Start an Online Gambling Business

04 February 2022 / Блог

In 2024, it is projected that the worldwide iGaming sector will have a value exceeding 92.9 billion U.S. dollars. Currently, the market is approximately 59 billion U.S. dollars, which indicates that it is expected to grow twofold in the coming years.


So how to choose the best online bookie software provider?

Thinking about getting into the potentially big-money online bookie and gaming business – whether sportsbooks, casino – here are the key things to know when choosing the best sports betting software and launching an online sports betting and gaming start-up.

Always Be Mobile First!

The majority of betting and gaming activity takes place via smartphones these days – especially so on sportsbooks where over 70% of revenues are processed through the mobile channel.  Focus on providing the best experience and software for your players, who are looking to enjoy themselves and use their devices to view and bet on online sports.

By all means you’ll want a funky website too – easy to bet on and to use, with a great look and feel, but front of mind should be the great players’ experience you will provide through your mobile software site.

Consider launching with a native sports betting software app – downloadable via the Apple and Google Play store. Better for forming a longer-lasting relationship with your customers, easy-to-use and often a right choice for the market. However if speed to market is important to you, and let’s be honest why wouldn’t be, then a mobile-friendly sportsbook and games website, fully adjustable, maybe the solution for you. Often Best is the enemy of Good – in this case to get to market the quickest way – then Good will do for now.


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Don’t forget a strategy!

We know that a battle plan only lasts until the first bullet is fired on day one- but nevertheless you want to have developed a business strategy before going down the expensive road of launching an online sports and igaming brand. Becoming a bookie – as it is known is the UK and USA – can be a profitable occupation, as long as you think long and hard before you leap into action.

At a market level – do you know who and where you are targeting? What are other bookmakers up to? Which competitor is your number one target? What regulations do you need to comply with? Do you know how you are going to win? What is your marketing strategy? Where will you position yourself in the market? What are the minimum range of products and features you’ll want to offer to compete? What will be the overall look and feel on your website?

Have an answer to the above questions and you’re on your way. You can design a product and brand to suit your needs. You will be able to obtain the best software platform and products to suit your business, as well as the players you’ll require to be successful.


Click here to set up a demo


Buy, build or license – what type of sports betting software platform best suits your needs?

Buying or building your own bookie software platform can be a risky endeavour, especially if you’re new to the betting and gaming space. Are you prepared to make that bet?

A quick-to-market software solution is to find a reputable and flexible iGaming software solutions provider with an existing trusted and stable platform to build your operation.

Take your time and find the best option – better to be a partner with an experienced sportsbook software provider where you have a win-win relationships than to be a small fish in a big pond with some of the larger corporations.

So, you choose to go with the best sports betting software provider for your needs- what type of platform do you need? Options are often a turnkey approach or a white label.

A turnkey site allows you control of functionality and branding – with responsibility for some, if not all the operations. You’ll have to sort out your own license and be responsible for all compliance matters

A white label is less flexible – although customisation is available in terms of branding and colours but bespoke software development is less easy to get done. However it is the fastest and cheapest way to market.



What betting options are you going to offer your customers on your new web and mobile sites?

Sports betting, especially live betting software, is an important element. Live betting has grown significantly in the last 20 years and produces the most bookmaker bets. Online casino games are an excellent way of recruiting customers, especially slots and roulette. Live online casino software is a great addition to any site and players love to bet with real dealers . Esports and virtual sportsbook bets continue to make sense to add to your offering and are fantastic of attracting a younger demographic to your operation..

Additional sportsbook and casino software features and content will be required for the best sports betting customer experience – and your sports betting software supplier can provide guidance in this area. Consider social activity, chat rooms for customer service, real time sports content to help guide your customers’ choices. There’s also a wide range of free content that your players will like, especially around social networking.

This is why opting for the best platform software provider to meet your needs is a key decision – it’s about the free help and advice they can offer, given their experience as bookies.


Details, details….

A key element of any interactive betting and gaming service is the provision of effective, real time multiple payment options for your players. If they can’t deposit their money simply or, even more importantly, take back their money quickly, then the service will be unacceptable and you will struggle to succeed long term.

Here again your platform partner can help you through this – and help integrate you with existing and trusted payment processing providers, who can also deal with some of the other issues that you have comply with, including fraud detection and AML (anti-money laundering) matters.

The easier you make your sportsbook journey for your customers, delivering a great user experience no matter where they are interacting with you, the more successful your sportsbook or betting business will be.


People, who need people…


Take time to invest in the right choice of people for your brand and take time to choose where they work. Outsourcing solutions are commonplace in online sportsbook and gaming, ranging from technology team, operations/ customer care teams or even finance / AML resources.

Outsourcing can be a fine approach and free up time – but don’t allow your sportsbook and gaming business and your people to become too remote from your customers and the market, including the competition sites.

Key areas in your structure shouldn’t be outsourced – your top teams should be your main asset, your secret sauce – so take your time and recruit well – build a united, online betting team focused on success. Secret of that is easy – communication, communication, communication!


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Data is key

An investment in a good analytics application is vital so find an effective CRM solution, to manage and present data especially so to help your marketing strategy be successful.

This takes us nicely to your marketing strategy – absolutely vital that you are clear about your strategy for launch and thereafter. Expect to spend 30-40% of your overall budget on marketing in your first year.

Branding, recruitment, retention, bonuses, paid search, programmatic search, sponsorship, affiliate networks – there are plenty of options where to invest your marketing dollars – so you need to have an initial plan. Then make data-led decisions to adapt your marketing approach.



So, in summary, the betting and gaming industry can be an exciting and profitable space to be involved in. Key areas centre around the choice of the right igaming platform and top betting and gaming products and features. 

The best sports betting (bookie) software provider for your business needs is always a key decision to make, as is the actual type of bookmaker and gaming platform you provide. Speed-to-market is often one key element in launching, but don’t let that pressure affect your decision on a sports betting software partner. Cost effectiveness in getting to live is one element but ongoing monthly costs also need to be considered and weighed up in the big picture. A long-term relationship with your gaming software supplier is what you should plan for – so choose one who will support you from training, marketing and further software development perspectives. Also, make sure you choose an igaming or bookie software provider that has a comprehensive portfolio of products, with the best range of suppliers for your specific market needs.

The right, real time quality of user experience you deliver, especially through the mobile software platform will be key.

Market knowledge, digital marketing capabilities and having a well-trained and motivated team are other top elements to be included in your successful bookmaker operation.

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The First Mobile Continent for Sports Betting and Gaming – Africa

09 January 2022 / Блог

Gaming and gambling are not new to Africa. There is no denying that land-based casinos gambling comprises a large portion of the market, but over the last few years, sports betting is increasingly rising in popularity. At the end of 2018, the industry was worth around $37 billion and is expected to continue to increase over the upcoming years.

The growth in mobile money services and rapid Internet penetration has created additional opportunities for digital inclusion, financial inclusion, and innovation, making Africa the leader in mobile growth. The proliferation of mobile led to a considerable expansion in mobile sports betting and other forms of online gambling to spread like wildfire through the continent, with 75% of all online bets in Africa places using mobile devices.

The State of Online Gaming in Africa

Africa has very mixed social and economic developments, but for numerous different reasons, Africa is very attractive for many online operators. Many of the countries offer near-term revenue potential for online sports betting operators and depending on the type of regulation of gaming legislation, grey and black market share could be drastically reduced.

With South Africa generating the most significant turnover due to the legally regulated online sports betting as well as necessary Internet and mobile infrastructure, in other countries like Kenya and Nigeria mobile betting has had the biggest expansion, moving from retail market towards the online market. Additionally, Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, Senegal, the Democratic Republic of Congo are markets following along the sports betting popularization.

The most popular sport that Africans bet on is football. International competitions such as FIFA World Cup, African Cup of Nations, Euro or Copa America along with Premiership, Primera, Serie A, and UEFA Champions League are favourites among punters. Horse race betting, the national lottery outcome and the African sport of Juksei are other popular betting choices.

Regulation and Legislative

Being the first mobile-dominant continent for online sports betting is impressive enough on its own, but if equally astonishing is the fact that even though less experienced than their European counterparts, African regulators have an immense desire, maturity, and level of understanding and knowledge related to gaming and gambling issues problem gambling, sports and betting integrity. Additionally, they accept that technological advancements mean that prohibition of online gaming does not work because customers will always find a way to play.

Moreover, concerned that banning gambling may lead to even higher rates of money laundering and creating stronger links between gambling and crime, African regulators are interested in finding regulatory solutions that will protect both, the payers and the operators. And rather than just taking another jurisdiction’s laws and regulations and applying them as they are, Africans are keen to take the international best practices and adjust, interpret and adapt them in ways that work most effectively in and for their respective jurisdictions.

Alternative Payment Systems

One of the biggest challenges for online operators in Africa is the significant number of unbanked consumers. Thus, deposits and withdrawals need to be executed using various alternative payment methods. One of the most popular solutions comes with mobile payments – the ability to charge a payment directly from the player’s mobile phone bill. This method requires the player to have an account with a mobile operator that cooperates with the online operators.

Additionally, many operators use their retail business as an alternative means of payment, enabling players to deposit and withdraw money directly to their online account, or use vouchers. Again, with the help of the mobile network operators, players can place a bet using the voucher by sending an SMS message or making a call.

Another popular alternative payment solution besides mobile-payments and mobile wallets are cryptocurrencies, in particular, Bitcoin but the market share is still small. The continent has also many local online payment companies as Kpesa, Kopokopo, Pesapal, Jambopay, Ipay and Instantpay, Paypal, and even internationally recognized MyGate, Skrill and Sagepay are also allowed.

The trend of creating alternative payment solutions is actively taking over the iGaming industry, not only in Africa but also throughout Europe, USA and the rest of the world.

Is Africa the next new market?

The increased number of operators moving to Africa to expand their network and offer their online betting and gaming services to this new emerging market, only indicates that Africa might be the new big market for iGaming.

Europe remains fragmented, and with numerous different laws and jurisdictions supporting or banning online gaming, USA is slowly moving to legalised sports betting, leaving Africa to be a brand new market that is still working on its online gaming regulations, giving operators a lot of challenges but also room to navigate through the complicated landscape.

So will the fast development of online gaming and the steady implementation of regulatory law in Africa help Europe see the problems in the patchwork quilt nature of its online gaming regulation law? Can Europe find a way to legalize and regulate online sports betting and gaming across the continent before it loses its market share to Africa?

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